Advance Diabetes Package-4


Pathcare Price :

999.003,499.00 (-71%)

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Diabetics, who are on medications, needs to undergo these tests on regular basis so as to check for glycemic control and target organ damage. The results help in dose adjustments of medicines, if required. It also helps to screen against major chronic illnesses like Hypertension/ Cardiac problems/ D

Test Recommended for:Male, Female

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Parameter Included:49

Best Pathology Lab in Delhi

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Best Pathology Lab in Delhi

Test Recommended for:Male, Female

Test booked so far: 745+

Report Time: 48 Hours

Fasting Time:Not required

Test Recommended for: Male, Female

Recommended for age: 5-99 Years

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Undergoing diabetes diagnosis may sound dreary at first. But with our complete diabetes test packages in India, you can get yourself tested hassle-free. Welcome to Path Care Labs, where we focus on offering a comprehensive diabetes screening package.

Our all-encompassing diabetes screening packages assist patients in recognising early symptoms or treating an already existing medical condition.

When Should You Consult Us for Diabetes Test Packages in Delhi?

We understand that someone who hasn’t yet tested for diabetes may find it challenging to understand their symptoms. Their warning signs might be mild. That makes patients undermine the condition. Here are the plausible signs indicating you must get tested at your earliest convenience.

  • Issues with increased hunger
  • Having extreme thirst
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Itchy and dry skin
  • Wounds that do not heal so quickly
  • Tingling or numbness in hands & feet

Symptoms that indicate you have type-1 diabetes include:

  • An unintentional or sudden weight loss
  • A prepubescent girl may get yeast infections
  • Breath that smells somewhat like fruits
  • Some flu-like symptoms include vomiting, nausea, loss of consciousness, breathing issues

What Tests Do We Include in Our Diabetes Test Packages in India?

Here are the tests we cover in the test packages:

  • Lipid Profile

A lipid profile test identifies abnormalities in lipids, like triglycerides and cholesterol. The results can recognise certain genetic diseases and determine risks for cardiovascular diseases.

  • Liver Function Test (LFT)

Liver function tests are blood tests that diagnose & monitor liver damage and diseases. The tests assess the levels of proteins and enzymes in one’s blood.

  • Kidney Function Test

Kidney tests allow for determining how well the kidneys are functioning. People diagnosed with diabetes must get regular screening for kidney diseases.

  • Urine Routine / Microscopy

The urine test is a part of the routine examination for patients diagnosed with diabetes. It recognises the presence of ketones and glucose in the urine.

  • HBA1C

Also referred to as the A1C test, the HBA1C test measures the average blood sugar levels over three months. It diagnoses prediabetes & diabetes and is a fundamental test that manages and monitors diabetic conditions.

  • Blood Sugar Fasting (FBS)

FBS is the blood sugar fasting test. It is normal if the fasting blood sugar level is less than 100 mg/dL. While the level between 100 and 125 mg/dL is prediabetes, 126 mg/dL or higher indicates a patient with diabetes. We conduct the screening test to ensure whether a patient has diabetes.

Why Should You Choose Path Care India Lab in Delhi?

At Path Care Lab, we inspect patients’ symptoms for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. So, it’s time to take serious consideration whether you’re having vomiting issues or nausea. Consult our Path Care Lab medical practitioners to diagnose your signs and symptoms.

Once you book an appointment with us, we will notify you about the tests. As for our diabetes test cost in Delhi, we have a limited offer. Allow us to assist you with our comprehensive package.

Test Details (Parameters included : 49)

Cholesterol-Total, Serum HDL Cholesterol Direct LDL Cholesterol -Direct Triglycerides, Serum Non – HDL Cholesterol, Serum VLDL LDL/HDL RATIO CHOL/HDL RATIO HDL / LDL Cholesterol Ratio
Albumin, Serum
Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
Bilirubin Direct, Serum
Bilirubin Total, Serum
GGTP (Gamma GT)
Proteins, Serum
Bilirubin- Indirect, serum
A/G Ratio
BUN Urea Nitrogen, Serum Calcium Total, Serum Chlorides, Serum Creatinine, Serum Phosphorus-Inorganic, Serum Sodium, Serum Urea, Serum Uric Acid, Serum BUN/Creatinine Ratio Urea/Creatinine Ratio
“pH Urine Specific gravity Urobilinogen Colour Transparency Albumin Sugar Blood Red blood cells Pus cells (Leukocytes) Epithelial cells Crystals Cast Bacteria Nitrate URINE KETONE Leucocyte Esterase Bile Pigments (Bilirubin)”

Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c)

Fasting blood sugar

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