Pathcareindia Covid Home Care ADVANCE
Pathcare Price :
₹2,800.00₹6,500.00 (-57%)
Our Pathcareindia Covid Home Care ADVANCE package are meant for tested Covid-positive patients with mild or no symptoms who are eligible for home isolation. These symptoms can include mild fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, etc. This package also includes some advance test as well.
Test Recommended for:Male, Female
Parameter Included:
FREEÂ Sample Collection
Test Recommended for:Male, Female
Test booked so far: 745+
Report Time: 48 Hours
Fasting Time:Not required
Test Recommended for: Male, Female
Recommended for age: 5-99 Years
Pathcare’s COVID Home Care ADVANCE package is meant for tested Covid-positive patients with mild or no symptoms. This package includes some advanced tests as well. For more information, call 93-122-10524 now!
Why is Pathcare India’s COVID Home Care ADVANCE package important?
Pathcare India’s COVID Home Care ADVANCE package is essential for those who have tested positive for the virus or require COVID treatment and care. The package includes advanced tests to monitor the health of organs such as the liver and kidney and evaluate important proteins like CRP and Ferritin.
Not only can these tests detect illnesses such as COVID early on, but they also help to monitor flare-ups of already existing conditions. Pathcare India’s COVID Home Care ADVANCE package offers vital services that ultimately assist in keeping patients healthy and safe during this pandemic.
For which symptoms can you opt for this package?
This package is meant for individuals who have tested positive for COVID and may or may not show symptoms such as mild fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, etc.
Test Parameters: This test package includes a total of 10 tests and 24 parameters of analysis:-
Liver Function Test (includes 10 tests)
Pathcareindia Covid Home Care ADVANCE package is an important tool to help patients identify possible liver function problems during the Covid-19 pandemic. The package includes 10 tests that measure various liver functions like Total Bill, Direct Bill, Indirect Bill, Total protein, Albumin, Globulin, A/G Ratio SGOT, SGPT, and Alkaline phosphatase. These tests provide insight into how well the liver is functioning, which can be essential for positively diagnosing COVID positive patients. By assessing these levels of the Liver Function Test, Pathcareindia can identify signs of inflammation or damage associated with acute or chronic liver disease. Pathcareindia’s Covid Home Care ADVANCE package provides an important additional tool for helping diagnose and monitor these potential issues for COVID positive patients.
Kidney Function Test ( including 8 tests)
Kidney Function Test (KFT) is an important diagnostic tool that helps to assess the ability of the kidneys to filter chemicals, such as urea, creatinine, uric acid, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphorus. KFT is essential for people diagnosed with kidney disease or diabetes, as it enables doctors to pinpoint issues with organs like the kidneys before any long-term damage occurs.
However, in recent times, it has become even more important to test for kidney function in COVID positive patients. As a result of severe immunity activation from coronavirus infection, many times, there can be extremely high levels of inflammation which can put extra stress on the organs like the kidneys and cause further complications on top of COVID itself. Testing for proper kidney function is crucial at this time to monitor any changes and ensure that one’s health remains optimal during recovery.
Glycosylated Hemoglobin
Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a blood test essential for monitoring the average glucose level in the bloodstream over the past few weeks. For COVID-19 patients, this test can be especially beneficial to measure glucose levels as uncontrolled high blood sugar has been linked to increased severity of symptoms and dangerous complications such as pneumonia.
This test provides important information about diabetes management by determining if insulin production is sufficient or if medication should be increased. HbA1c can also be used for diagnosis when other methods are not available or practical, in addition to providing a long-term overview of how diabetes has been managed. Ultimately, testing glycosylated hemoglobin can help healthcare professionals better care for COVID patients and provide crucial insight into their overall wellness post-recovery.
The IL-6 test is an important tool to help determine whether a COVID positive patient has become severely ill. IL-6 stands for interleukin 6, which is a type of cytokine protein that is produced by white blood cells and functions to regulate inflammation throughout the body. By measuring the levels of this cytokine in a COVID patient’s system, medical professionals can assess the severity of their illness. A high level of IL-6 may signal that the virus has caused an excessive inflammatory response in the body and that treatment should be administered immediately. Ultimately, the IL-6 test plays an essential role in determining the most effective course of treatment to ensure a positive outcome for COVID patients.
A D-Dimer test is a laboratory test that looks for signs of a medical condition primarily involving the clots in the blood vessels. This simple, noninvasive test measures the amount of a specific protein fragment released by the body when a clot is present in the bloodstream.
Lactate Dehydrogenase, Serum
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), is an enzyme found in almost all living cells that catalyzes the conversion of L-lactate and NAD+ to pyruvate and NADH. High levels of LDH are associated with various diseases, such as hepatitis, cardiac or muscular damage, and cancer. Additionally, low LDH activity has been linked to enzyme deficiencies, diabetes, and septicemia.
Ferritin is a protein found in cells throughout the body that helps store and transport iron. It acts like a storage tank for iron; when the body needs it, ferritin releases iron, so it can be used by red blood cells and other components of the body. Additionally, its levels in the blood help indicate how much iron is available to be used.
C- Reactive Protein Quantitative
C-reactive protein, or CRP, is a type of protein found in the blood. The liver produces it, and its levels increase with inflammation. High levels indicate higher inflammation, which can be due to infection, tissue damage, autoimmune disease, or other inflammatory illnesses. Testing for CRP is a useful tool for doctors to diagnose certain health problems and monitor responses to treatment.
The procalcitonin test is a reliable, non-invasive medical diagnostic tool used to detect the presence of inflammation in the body. It specifically analyzes calcitonin, which is a hormone that increases during bacterial infections and decreases during viral infections. This test can help clinicians make quick diagnoses and assess the severity of the patient’s condition.